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Seth's practice focuses on trade association management and domestic and international regulatory and government affairs. He has extensive experience in founding, organizing and operating trade associations that represent a number of billion dollar industries. Splitting his time between the US and Europe for nearly a decade, Seth has established long standing relationships with policy makers, stakeholders and thought leaders within the complex governmental and regulatory frameworks at the state and federal level in the US, and at the European Union and member-state levels in Europe. Seth understands US and European government institutions and how they operate, and clients continuously rely on Seth’s strategic and tactical advice to help solve their problems within the US and European theaters of policy and government. Seth specializes in organizing industries to help them meet their regulatory, legal, government affairs and business objectives. Representative engagements include legal and advocacy work surrounding the passage and implementation of the Renewable Energy Directives I and II at the EU level (including designing and implementing strategies for engagement and advocacy with the European Commission, European Council and European Parliament) and implementation of member state level regulation in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Denmark and Belgium (including working closely with policy makers and regulators within each member state to ensure that US based products are compliant with EU and member state regulation). Seth has also lead various industry efforts to help assist clients in clearing competition approvals within the EU. Additionally, Seth has extensive experience in advising US based clients on market penetration and development within the EU and its member states. He also has extensive experience in designing, managing and executing public affairs and communications strategies at the local, state and federal level in the US. As a practicing attorney, Seth brings a unique skill set to the table that enables his clients to navigate the various legal, political and policy issues that often intersect in the US business and international trade arenas. Seth holds an undergraduate degree from Virginia Tech, a Juris Doctorate degree from the University of Richmond School of Law and is a Fellow of the University of Virginia’s Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership. He is a former Senior Assistant Attorney General and Section Chief of Commerce and Financial Law for the Commonwealth of Virginia and is currently a shareholder with Hirschler, a US based law firm.